Happy Hour Sarasota – A Preview…
We’re going to be heading to some great Sarasota Happy Hours. Come on along!

Everybody LOVES a good happy hour. At least most people that I know. If it’s really not your thing, maybe we can change your mind (at least we’ll try!). 🍸
Sarasota has a happy hour problem. No, it’s not what you’re thinking. It may actually be just the opposite of what you’re thinking. The problem: INFORMATION. Or, more specifically, lack of it.

It’s unbelievably hard to curate a local happy hour list. It’s like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree. On the surface, the task seems like it should be easy enough to complete. But the details of these late afternoon/early evening promos change so quickly that it is, well, you know, hard. 🥲
We’re going to take on part of this happy hour information challenge. No, we’re not out to create a comprehensive list of happy hour offerings (But that would be great. AND, if you have such a list, send it on!). 📝
We are going to shine the dineSarasota spotlight on one Happy Hour per month. It’ll be one that we think you should know about. And, more importantly, participate in!
We’re going to spread them out around the area and around the price spectrum. Some north, some south. Some fancy, some, well, not. (You know we’ll throw in some hidden gems along the way). 📌
Sounds like a project, right? It also sounds like a lot. I figured I could use some help. My partner in this happy hour adventure is a longtime friend. It’s also someone who has been bugging the crap out of me for years to do something about the lack of good local happy hour details. (He’s also a Patriots/Red Sox fan. But we won’t let that stop us from having a good time! ⚾)
Tim Carney has some history in the Sarasota area hospitality world. He has a lot of experience on the management end of things. He’s helped open restaurants and, more importantly, run them. In short, he can spot a great happy hour from WAY across town.
More recently, Tim has checked out of the food and beverage biz to enter the less crazy(?) world of real estate. 😆 But all of Tim’s service industry experience is not lost. And it’s going to be put to good use here. That you can count on!

OH, another thing. Just like our A Burger A Week series, we’ll set up a place on the dineSarasota.com website to keep track of it all. A “Happy Hour Hub,” if you will.
Yes, of course, we will be taking people along with us for the ride (details on that coming soon). Eventually, we would LOVE to have a big, giant dineSarasota Happy Hour Meet Up! Or at least a medium-sized one 😁. (📝 If you’ve got ideas, send them our way!).
OK, that’s it for now. We’re putting some finishing touches on our list and the way we’d like to present these places to you. We’ll be back at ya soon with our first official Happy Hour Sarasota report. Cheers! 🍺
⭐ We want your happy hour ideas! We would love to hear about the places around town you think could use a little shout-out. Or some spots that just flat-out kill it in the happy hour department. Here’s a link to give us some feedback. Thanks!

How would you like to sponsor one of our upcoming newsletters? Let us give you all of the juicy details! – MORE INFO HERE 🌟

Here are some upcoming local food events that we think you might find interesting. All you need to do is make that reservation. We’ve provided you with a link to more info. (If you have an event, send us the details! (EMAIL IT)
⭐Sarasota-Manatee Original’s – 30% OFF COUPON SALE! – INFO HERE ⭐
WEEKLY POP-UP KITCHEN EVENTS – 99 Bottles Taproom & Bottle Shop

JUN 15 – Corsica Wine Tasting – Mademoiselle Paris
JUN 18 – Father’s Day Specials – Mattison’s
JUN 18 – Father’s Day Buffet – GROVE Restaurant
JUN 18 – Father’s Day Specials – Bricks Smoked Meats
JUN 28 – Wine Dinner With “Corte Dei Venti” – Tiramisu
JUN 29 – Tua Rita Super Tuscan Wine Dinner – element. steak. seafood. pasta
JUL 1 – Suncoast Largest Food Truck Rally 3.0 – INFORMATION
JUL 15 – Bastille s Day Dinner – Mademoiselle Paris
AUG 19 – Laughter in LWR! – GROVE Restaurant
EVERY SUNDAY – Siesta Key Farmer’s Market – DETAILS
EVERY SUNDAY – Farmer’s Market at Lakewood Ranch – DETAILS
EVERY SUNDAY – The Meadows Farmer’s Market – DETAILS
EVERY WEDNESDAY – The Phillippi Farmhouse Market (Oct-Apr) – DETAILS
EVERY SATURDAY – Sarasota Farmer’s Market – DETAILS
EVERY SATURDAY – Downtown Bradenton Public Market – DETAILS
EVERY SATURDAY – Venice Farmer’s Market – DETAILS
Get information on 350+ Sarasota restaurants on the dineSarasota.com website
Did you miss a story? Here are some of our past Bites – SB ARCHIVE
Do you love our A Burger A Week pieces? – HERE’S THE FULL ARCHIVE 🍔
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